Immunity booster for field crop

What are immunity boosters?
How do they work?
Diseases from which they help to recover
Helps to fight against fungal diseases
Living organisms like bacteria, fungi, nematodes, viruses and insects pose a serious threat to a thriving plant. They damage plants and devastate crop yields causing huge losses to growers. This threat to crop production needs a powerful solution that can protect the plant. The pathogen attacks weaken the plant and make it disease ridden and causes heavy loss to total food production. If the required nutrients do not reach the plant naturally the plant gets afflicted by physiological disorders, biotic stresses. Immunity boosters are plant saviours in these situations. They strengthen the plant defence system and reduce incidences of invasion by pathogens and pests thereby creating healthier crops and higher yields.
Know our Immunity boosters
Our immunity boosters are a revolutionary formulation and unique blend of eco-friendly, organic and natural ingredients. The primary objective of these products is to mitigate biotic stress in plants.
Our immunity boosters increase plant resistance so that the biotic stress factors can be tackled in a better way by the plant. The use of these products make the nutrient uptake of the plant faster and better. A defence mechanism is created inside the plant so that the plant can withstand outside dangers in the form of pathogens and pest attacks. This defence mechanism is stimulated into action the moment the plant senses danger.
It strengthens the immune system of the plant and makes it fit enough to tackle its enemies. Pivi Nutrifight is a unique, first-ever formulation in India designed to provide dual benefits of providing nutrition to the plant and strengthening it against pathogen and pest attacks. Privi Nutrifight contains activated potassium salt of long chain phosphorus which has unique properties of fighting against fungus, bacteria and virus attacks.
Activates the plant immune system
It boosts crop immunity against diseases by inducing SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance) which enhances antioxidants, phytoalexins and phenolic compounds in the plant system.
SAR is a systemic defence network in plants that is triggered by exposing the plant to some nonpathogenic microbes and involves salicylic acid. This helps the plant reach an appropriate level of resistance. A set period of time is required for this process at the end of which the plant attains resistance against biotic stress factors.
A solution against fungal diseases
Fungi cause harm and diseases to plants more than any other pathogen. Fungal diseases can be actual plant destroyers and can damage complete fields or orchards if not controlled in time. They infest, reproduce and thrive on plants and cause and spread diseases like Downy mildew, Apple scab, Powdery mildew, brown root, to name a few.
The use of Nutrifight gives internal strength to the plant and makes it capable of overcoming the fungal infections that it might have to face.
Features and usage
Foliar and drenching methods of application
Use 1 kg of Privi Nutrifight per hectare for foliar spray
Use 1.5 kg per Hectare for drenching
Compatible with most of the agrochemicals
Can be used on all crops
Ideal for:
Aromatic Crops
Fibre Crops
Medicinal Crops
Plantation Crops
Sugar Crops
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