
Biotic Stress Management in plants

  • Types of Biotic Stress in plants (explain each of them)

  • How Ortho silicic acid helps to recover

  • Recommendation of Silixol and Silixol OSA

A healthy plant is a happy plant. And a happy plant grows well and bears good quality fruits in abundance. The overhealth of a plant depends on some environmental factors that affect its growth and capacity to produce nutritious food. Plants are adversely affected by two kinds of stress factors mainly abiotic stress and biotic stress. While abiotic stress is related to environmental factors like water availability, soil salinity levels and temperature fluctuations biotic stress is caused by living organisms, specially viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, insects, arachnids and weeds. 

Biotic stress

Biotic stress causes the plant to become malnourished due to lack of nutrients and this can cause its death. Not just on the farms but even post harvest damage to the grains and fruits can be a result of biotic stress. The solution for this is for the plant to have an internal defence mechanism that can be activated at the slightest sign of danger. This defence mechanism becomes a part of the plant’s genetic configuration.  The climatic factors of a region decide what type of biotic stress the crop plant might have to face. Plants have to face a variety of biotic stresses caused by different living organisms like fungi, virus, bacteria, nematodes, insects etc. 


Fungi is a plant pathogen and causes a range of diseases in plants. Most of the vegetable diseases are the result of fungal infection. It causes plant stress by killing its healthy cells. The fungi are passed on to other plants through infected seeds, soil, crop debris, other crops or weeds. Wind or water can also be the carriers of fungi along with tools and machinery used in farming. Fungi negatively affects plant health by causing accumulation of toxins in the plant. It causes loss to the total farm yields and can sometimes cause death of plants too. Downy mildew, Fusarium rots, Rusts and White blisters are some common diseases caused by fungi. 


Plant viruses enter the plants through wounds and cause serious damage to crops. It is difficult to eliminate them without harming the host plant in the process. So with viral infections, prevention is a smarter policy. Viruses are spread from one plant to another by organisms or by farming methods like grafting, pruning or propagation. 


Pathogenic bacteria cause several diseases in plants. These bacteria are spread by rain water, wind, birds or even insects. Farming techniques like grafting, pruning, and propagation of infected trees can spread bacterial diseases to bigger areas.

Bacterial diseases are similar to fungal diseases. Leaf leaf spots, blights, wilts, scabs, cankers and soft rots in roots and fruits are some commonly seen bacterial diseases affecting plants. 


Nematodes are soil pests that adversely affect plants. The diseases caused by them are often mistaken to be symptoms of vitamin deficiency. Typically, the plants attacked by nematodes do not grow well, are not healthy and wilt away in most cases. They enter the roots in the form of larvae and  cause  roots to form galls or knots on the roots. These galls or root knots cause obstacles in water and nutrients reaching the plant. They are double trouble because they not only hamper the growth of the plants they also provide entrance for other disease-causing organisms, like fungi or bacteria into the plant. 


A serious danger to crops, insects chew on the leaves and also use them as a breeding ground at times. This hampers the process of photosynthesis, as the leaf area available for the process is reduced considerably. Eventually insects cause irreparable damage to the overall yield. 

Ortho Silicic acid - A reliable solution 

Ortho Silicic acid is the best solution available to protect the plants from damage caused by biotic stress factors. 

  • It facilitates overall plant growth

  • It improves photosynthesis 

  • It promotes proper nutrient uptake by plant 

  • It strengthens the cell walls of the plant

  • It enhances flowering and reduces flower dropping 

Orthosilicic acid being a source of well available silicon to plants caused higher mobility into the plant system in comparison with other form fertilisers.

Privi Silixol and Privi Silixol OSA 

Designed to promote flowering and formation of tasty and nutritious food Privi Silixol and Silixol OSA ensures a bigger and higher quality farm yield. Tried and tested by farmers all over the country Privi Silixol and Silixol OSA have been accepted as plant saviours from the danger of biotic stress. It has been recommended by agricultural experts and the farmers who have used it. 

Foliar spray of Privi Silixol enhances the uptake of essential nutrients (viz. P, Ca and K) in plants.  It has been observed that seedlings sprayed with Silixol had higher levels of chlorophyll content over control, accounting for higher rate of photosynthesis. This results in a three fold increase in the seedling length of the sprayed plants compared to the unsprayed ones. 

The use of Privi Silixol shows significant reduction in yellow stem borer infestation in rice. Silicon increases the leaf sheath compactness and cell wall thickening which would have impaired larval penetration, thereby reducing stem borer infestation. 

In main fields, foliar sprays at three critical stages of rice accelerated seedling development. Various other growth parameters like the volume of roots, number of tillers along with various yield attributing traits were increased in sprayed plants compared to the ones that were not sprayed. 

The grain filling in these plants was also a lot better with visible differences in traits like erectness, length, width and greenness of the leaves. Privi Silixol facilitated early maturation of crops which means that the field was ready for harvest 7 - 10 days in advance and the grain quality, health and shine of the grain was better. There was no discolouration of the grain. In soybean, common bean and peanut Privi Silixol gave improved yields by stimulating the uptake of calcium, potassium and silicon. 

The leaves and fruits of apple trees were positively affected by Privi Silixol treatments.

The foliar application of Privi Silixol significantly improved the quality of grapes and reduced incidences of berry cracking. The use of Silixol resulted in the highest berry length, diameter, weight  and yield. 

Main Features of Privi Silixol 

  • Foliar spray of fertigation method of application possible 

  • Compatible with most of the agrochemicals.

  • Use 2.0 litres of Silixol per acre 

  • Use Silixol in four sprays at 15-20 days interval

Ideal for: 


  • Carnation 

  • Lily

  • Rose 

  • Jasmine 

  • Chrysanthemum 


  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • Apricots 

  • Bananas

  • Almonds 

  • Cherries 

Aromatic crops 

  • Lemon grass 

  • Mentha 

  • Patchouli 

  • Peppermint 

  • Spearmint 

Main Features and Usage of Privi Silixol OSA

  • Foliar spray of fertigation method of application possible 

  • Compatible with most of the agrochemicals.

  • Use 500ml-1000ml of PRIVI Silixol OSA per acre

  • Use Silixol in four sprays at 15-20 days interval

Ideal for: 


  • Barley 

  • Oats 

  • Little Millets 

  • Pearl Millets 

  • Wheat 

  • Sorghum 

  • Rice 

  • Maize 

Fibre crops 

  • Cotton 

  • Hemp

  • Jute 

  • Knead 

  • Ramie 


  • Linseed 

  • Safflower 

  • Soybean 

  • Sunflower

  • Groundnut 

  • Canola


  • Black gram 

  • Chick pea 

  • Cowpea

  • Green gram 

  • Horse gram 

  • Kidney bean 

  • Lentil 

  • Peas

Sugar crops

  • Sugar beet 

  • Sugarcane

Reference links,debris%2C%20nearby%20crops%20and%20weeds,caused%20by%20other%20plant%20pathogens,the%20heat%20of%20the%20day