Managing Director's Message
Sustainable agriculture is key in restoring the planet
We are working collaboratively with the growers, scientists, and institutions to find sustainable ways for farming to improve quality of life on our planet.
A significant buzz is heard across the globe regarding the probable fate of 50 billion people inhabiting our planet by 2030. Being involved in providing the eco-friendly and innovative solutions to the farming fraternity, it is our ethical responsibility to contribute something towards it; to make our planet a better place to live. In our effort to change the narrative of our bleak future, we propose the drive of ReEARTH- targeting to Reclaim the future through sustainable agriculture

United to ReEarth
After tasting the success and glory in aroma chemicals business for over three decades, we ventured into the agribusiness. In this new venture too, we carried forth our legacy of excellence in research and manufacturing.Eco-friendly, organic, residue-free, innovation are the keywords of our success empowering the growers to grow more in less and also protecting the planet. At Privi, we are committed to restore lives of all beings and the only home we have - our Earth.
Today, our employees, scientists, engineers, customers, business partners and stakeholders are in synergy with our proposal of 'Re-Earth': To this end, we run education programs that aim towards raising an awareness for food security and sustainable farming across the globe.
With our Re-Earth manifesto, we continually strive to address major challenges of our time by strengthening the farming industry, by conserving precious resources, enriching food production, and shaping for a beautiful brighter future.
We have only one planet. For food security, we are responsible to re-generate our soil for our future generations.It's time to ReEarth.
Mr. R S Rajan,