Reclaiming the future through sustainable agriculture.ReEarth.
Redefining agriculture through Innovation
Our highly proficient lab and field research team has helped innovate climate smart soil & plant health, plant growth and pest & disease protection technologies in association with global agricultural research institutes.
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Poster presentation
International Conferences
Research Paper
International Journals
Patents in process
Good Food Good Nutrition
Nutrient packed yields are the test of the new technologies being devised at Privi. Ecocert certified products and results make the produce valued highly across the globe making the farmer happy too.
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Pledging our support to save the planet’s soil from extinction
#Soil Health

The wellbeing of posterity depends on the quality of soil that we leave behind as a legacy. In this race against time, we support Sadhguru’s bid to save the living soil and protect the diversity on the planet. We, at Privi, are doing our bit to nurture the nurturer by focussing on enhancing the quality of soil and increasing its fertility. We are committed to soil restoration that can solve major world issues like climate change, world hunger, nutrition deficiency, and water scarcity.