Nutrin Fe EDDHA 6%

Nutrin Fe EDDHA 6%

Nutrin Fe EDDHA 6%


Avoids crop failure due to iron deficiency especially in high pH calcareous soils by boosting chlorophyll production in leaves.

Iron deficiency in soil, in extreme cases, may lead to complete crop failure. Nutrin Fe-6% is a chelated micronutrient suitable for correcting iron dearth in high pH calcareous soils. The deficiency is usually recognized by chlorotic, or yellowed, intervein areas in new leaves and is typically found among sensitive crops grown in soils that primarily have calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in abundance.


- Specially made for crops in high pH calcareous soils

- Corrects iron deficiency in crops
- Prevents lime-induced chlorosis
- Boosts chlorophyll production in leaves

EDDHA Chelated iron 6.00%

Avoids crop failure due to iron deficiency especially in high pH calcareous soils by boosting chlorophyll production in leaves.

  • Sow or transplant the crops as per the recommended spacing.
  • Soil application or fertigation @1.0 to 1.5 kg per acre on standing crop. 
  •  Multiple applications can be done as per the deficiency levels in soils.

  • Jar test is recommended before mixing.

  • Follow pesticide spraying schedule as and when necessary.

  • Soil application or fertigation.

  • Spraying preferably be done in early morning or evening.